Faintly passing out one day
I hit my head upon the clay
It was a stoke of rare luck
That I avoided being squashed by a passing truck
I arose in glee and gasped a sigh of relief
Only to be robbed by a passing thief.
I chased him high and I chased him low
But wherever I went he did not show.
And then I laughed aloud as I realised what he had took
A doggy bag all filled with muck.
Oh dear i thought where is my dog ?
as the the bang on the head had wiped my log
I turned the street corners and searched the crannies
And even asked two passing grannies.
And then it hit me in a flash
My memory had obviously been too rash
I realised i had lost my cash as I darted around
In such a dash.
But every story has a silver lining
And the sound of "woof" ended my pining
There she was my little doggy
All wet and cold and a little soggy
A gift did drop from mouth to Paw
My good little doggy had found my dough.
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