Thursday, 17 October 2024

The Birth

Push, push, push the pain is not great,

hours have passed and the baby is late


Push push push the gas and air makes me high,

I cannot wait for the babies cry

Now more hours have passed and the baby is late 

Push push push, on each contraction, although labour is long I feel my babies reaction

Push push push the fatigue sets in,

energy is sapped as the  baby still lurks in my depths within

Push push push, I dig deep in my heart,

here comes the head it appears from the dark 

Push push push for the final time,

emotion is released for this is her time . 

Her head does escape and I push once more, 

I forget the pain and the imminent sore 

She slips from my body in one big release and I now know I have conquered, such an amazing feat. 

As the baby is passed to my welcoming breast I am overcome and at the end of my quest.

Tears seep out as life is created,

such love I feel I am so elated. 

Now together as one and bound by love I have my angel, my gift from above. 

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