Monday, 27 April 2020

The Battle of Isolation

Four walls all around, your freedom is denied.
Staying safe and staying sane is all you gotta do.
All you do is moan, while others dice with death for you

This is not a joy ride,
you're lucky to be alive.
Our Heroes fight the enemy, for hours at a time.

Many wars are fought, with guns and weaponry,
But this cursed enemy is invisible to you and me.

So fight the battle and stay apart,
for the angels do not want to capture no more of your hearts.

Together we should be binded, to fight to win this war .
Let's find an inner hunger, a strength within our core.
If there is no sacrifice, no victory will ensue.

But if the spirit of the nation is ignited
And our efforts are not in vain
The demon we are fighting 
will surely lose his game...  

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